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Level RMM - idemeum integration

Unified idemeum agent deployment with Level RMM

Nik Pot


In this guide we will deploy idemeum agent with Level RMM. We will take a unified script that takes customer name as an input variable. And when deploying to a workstation or a set of workstations in Level, we will be prompted to enter the customer name. If the customer organization does not exist in idemeum, it will be automatically created.

Obtain unified install script

  • Navigate to the admin portal of your Main MSP dashboard
  • Click on the Install new agent button
  • Choose the operating system and copy the unified install script command
  • Save this command somewhere as we will need to use it in Level

Create installation script

There are several ways you can deploy scripts in Level - you can use automations, you can define custom variables and take them as an input, etc. We will simply create a script with an input variable, and when this script is deployed, we will be prompted to provide the customer name that needs to be used in idemeum.

  • Access your Level dashboard
  • Navigate to AutomationsScriptsCreate script
  • Enter the name for your script
  • First we will create an input variable. Click on the Variables submenu and then Add new variable
  • Provide the variable name and keep the default value empty
  • Add variable
  • Now go back to the script configuration submenu Details
  • Paste the unified installation command that you obtained in the previous step
  • Choose Powershell for Windows and run script as Local system
  • Scroll down to the -customerName attribute and reference the input variable in "" quotes. To reference the variable we created you can click on the variables button at the bottom right.
Make sure the variable is passed in double quotes.
  • Save the configuration

Deploy script

You can deploy script to workstations manually, or deploy to all workstations with a certain tag. Here we will deploy to one workstation for demonstration purposes.

  • Navigate to the workstation that you need to deploy idemeum to
  • Click on ... and choose Run saved script
  • Choose idemeum deployment script
  • Now you can input the customer name that you want to associate idemeum agent with. If customer does not exist in idemeum, it will be automatically created.