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Idemeum and Keeper Security SAML SSO

Integrate Keeper Security with idemeum SAML Single Sign-On.

Nik Pot


You will need to download the idemeum SAML metadata file.

  • Access idemeum tenant that will be set up for federation
  • Navigate to ApplicationsSAML metadata, and then click on download link

Configure Keeper Security

  • Navigate to your Keeper Security admin dashboard
  • Click Admin and then choose Add node
  • Give node a name and select a domain that will be used for federation
  • Choose the newly created node and select Add method in the Provisioning section
  • Choose Keeper Single Sign-On Cloud option
  • Give node a name and enter the domain that will be used for federation
  • Edit the provisioning method, scroll down and upload idemeum metadata file that you created in the prerequisites section
  • Once you go back now, you will see that the status becomes Active
  • Edit the node again and download Keeper security metadata file. You will need this file for idemeum configuration.

Configure idemeum

Configure SAML application

  • Navigate to idemeum tenant admin portal
  • Access ApplicationsAdd appCatalog app
  • Search for Keeper and then click Add app
  • Click Next to proceed to SAML configuration
  • Now paste the Keeper Security xml configuration that you downloaded from Keeper admin portal
  • Click Load config
  • Click Save to save the application configuration
  • Now Keeper Security shows in the list of your configured applications

Create application entitlement

You configured SAML application, and now you need to give access to this application to idemeum users

  • Navigate to Entitlements and click Add rule
  • Give rule a name, choose Group for IF condition, select All users from the dropdown, and choose Keeper Security as an application to access
  • Save the rule configuration
  • Now when users switch to App portal they will see Keeper Security application tile and can launch this application with SAML