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Ubiquiti Unifi Wi-Fi with idemeum Cloud RADIUS

In this guide we will integrate Ubiquiti with idemeum Cloud RADIUS to authenticate users to Wi-Fi networks.

Nik Pot


Integration with Ubiquiti works over EAP-TTLS protocol.

Set up idemeum Cloud RADIUS

As a first step you need to create idemeum RADIUS application, configure it, and entitle to a set of users or groups. Detailed steps below.

RADIUS configuration
In this post we will take a look at idemeum RADIUS application configuration.

Configuring Ubiquiti Unifi

Create RADIUS profile

  • Navigate to your Ubiquiti dashboard at
  • Access Settings -> Profiles -> RADIUS
  • Click Create new
  • Give the profile a name
  • Check the box for Wireless networks
  • Enter idemeum cloud RADIUS IP address in the Authentication servers section. You can obtain the idemeum Cloud RADIUS IP address at the link below.
RADIUS service details
Technical information about idemeum Cloud RADIUS service.
  • Keep the port as 1812
  • Enter the Shared secret value that you obtained when configured application in idemeum
  • Click Add to add server configuration
  • Apply changes to save the configuration

Apply RADIUS profile

Now we need to apply this Ubiquiti RADIUS profile to the desired Wi-Fi networks.

  • Navigate to SettingsWiFi and then choose the desired Wi-Fi network
  • In the Advanced section choose Manual
  • Scroll down and choose WPA2 Enterprise as Security Protocol
  • Choose the RADIUS profile that you created in the previous section
  • Apply changes to save the configuration

Set up user clients

Please make sure you follow the user client configuration guide to make sure Apple, Windows, and Android clients are configured properly.

Wi-Fi clients configuration
This guide describes how user devices need to be configured for successful authentication with idemeum Cloud RADIUS service.

Test user login

Now you idemeum users can access Ubiquiti Wi-Fi protected by idemeum Cloud RADIUS.


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