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Desktop agent

Update desktop agent

There are several ways to update idemeum desktop agent on Windows and macOS

Cloud update

You can trigger desktop agent update from the idemeum admin dashboard.

  • Access your idemeum tenant admin dashboard
  • Access Devices and then locate the device that you want to update
  • Click on ... and then choose Upgrade device

Idemeum cloud will send the notification to the device to perform automatic upgrade. There are various icons that indicate the update status:

  • Green icon - new version is available and you can perform and update
  • Yellow icon - notification to device is sent and update in progress
  • Blue icon - device agent is up to date

Command-line update

You can also update desktop agent by executing the installation script command. The script will determine if the new version is available, will pull the latest version, and will perform and update. You can run command directly on the machine or use deployment tool to distribute the command to a fleet of workstations.

The guide to use command-line installation or update is below.

Command-line installation
This guide demonstrates how you can install idemeum desktop agent with a command line script.